1.Create an object named inventory to store product information. Each product should have properties like name, price, and quantity. Add a method to inventory that allows adding new products and another method to display all products with their details.
2.Write a function that takes an array of numbers and returns the largest number in the array. Use iteration (e.g., for...of loop) to find the max value.
3.Create a Simple Calculator Module Using ES6 Modules.
4.i)Select an element with a specific ID (e.g., document.getElementById("title")) and change its content (innerHTML), text content (textContent), style properties (style.color, style.fontSize), or class names (classList).
ii) Select all elements with a specific tag name (e.g., document.getElementsByTagName("p")) and iterate through them, changing a common property like background color.
iii) Create a new element (e.g., document.createElement("li")) and set its text content. Then, append it to an existing element (e.g., using appendChild) with an ID or another way to
Add an event listener (e.g., addEventListener) to a button element. When the button is clicked, trigger a function that modifies another element on the page (e.g., change its visibility or content).